Friday, March 12, 2010

Food Inc. has opened my eyes to a lot of issues that Americans are facing when it comes to food. Before watching the film I never really sat and thought about what i'm eating, where it's coming from and the process that was taken to get it. Most people go to the super market and buy cheap,convienent foods due to lack of time and money. One thing I did notice in the super market was that organic foods were always more expesive. I asked myself : Why do foods that contain so many chemicals cost less? Organic foods that come from the farm to the super market are almost double the price. Most people can't even afford to eat organic because they have families to feed and kids that want to go to college. My mom used to to tell me " Don't eat anything your grandmother wouldn't eat". I never used to pay much attention to that saying until I had to buy groceries for my family. I used to eat a lot of red meat. It made me feel sluggish and my stomach always felt sick. I decided to start eating organic chicken and fish instead of red meat, what a diffence. I felt like a new person.

I go to to a super market called " Fair Way" and in the dairy aisle there is a comany that sells milk and the sign says " Real milk from real cows". Ok then where is other milk coming from? I started buying this milk and it costs $5.49 for a half gallon and regular brands of milk cost $2.59 for a whole gallon. That is almost double price but I know what my family is drinking. I pay attention to certain things when ut comes to food but not all. Watching this video changed the way I look at food. Who ever thought that you've eaten all your life can make you sick or even kill you. Anymore it's like food is your worst enemy.

There was a part of the film where they were showing people who used to work for these food companies and now they are working for the government. These people are controlling the FDA and USDA. They allow a lot of bad food pass inspection. I can garantee that these people are not eating the same food that most americans are eating. I'm sure that if enough people watch this film something will be done.

1 comment:

  1. Hi kathy!
    Very interesting - I like that you point out your experiences in shopping. I am "addicted" to Fairway!
